Glen Lee, Chief Financial Officer
District of Columbia (Washington, DC)
District of Columbia (Washington, DC)
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From the Washington Post Editorial Board:
From affordable housing to Metro to the occasional water-supply glitch, the District has its share of issues and problems. It is our job to hold the city accountable on those subjects but, just now, we’d like to focus on the bigger picture: The District is, broadly speaking, a reasonably well-run city. Proof of this comes from the Moody’s bond-rating agency, which in July elevated the city’s general-obligation debt to the highest possible level, AAA. This is not some sort of financial good-conduct medal, but a tangible reward that will enable the city to finance its activities at the lowest interest rates available, saving residents millions of dollars and freeing up resources to provide more and better services. It’s a win-win for both the public and the elected officials — past and present — who helped make it happen.