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08/20/2024Fitch G.O. Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
08/20/2024Moody's G.O. Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
08/20/2024S&P G.O. Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
07/12/2024Fitch Deed Tax Bonds Ratings ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
11/14/2023Moody’s Issuer Credit Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
11/13/2023Moody’s Issuer Press Release ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
10/31/2023Fitch Income Tax Secured Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
10/30/2023Moody's Income Tax Secured Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
10/30/2023S&P Income Tax Secured Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
05/05/2022Fitch G.O. BANs (CP) ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
05/05/2022S&P G.O. BANs (CP) ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
01/08/2021Fitch Ballpark Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
06/25/2020S&P Income Tax Secured Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
04/30/2020Fitch G.O. Notes Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
04/24/2020Moody's G.O. Notes Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
01/15/2020S&P GARVEE Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
09/17/2019Fitch Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
September 2019Moody's Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
September 2019S&P Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Rating ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓
October 2018Moody's Deed Tax Revenue Bonds ReportRatings ReportsDownload ↓